This Saturday was to be the ride to Tony Packo's for lunch via the recently opened trail across the old 280 bridge (Craig Bridge). If it snowed Friday night, the plan was to do a MTB ride instead. However, while it had only snowed a skiff, the general consensus was to ride within Monclova.
Matt was in need of warm toes so I gave him a spare set of chemical toe warmers. Hubert was ever present as was Rick. Chris was there too along with Jimmie and I. And so the six of us set off for our winter adventure westward down the Wabash Cannonball - North Fork. While it was moderately cold and quite cloudy there was little wind and I found myself able to "run with the pack." For that I was grateful! The plan was to ride a similar route as two weeks ago but to capture 25 miles or greater without the need to run circles in the Monclova School parking lot. I am impressed with how well Rick and Hubert know the various roads and possible routes to reach a 25 mile ride.
We then went south into Oak Openings and proceeded with the real fun where we hit a trail deep with soft snow. Past petal and fast shifts into granny gears ensued but to no avail. We all scrambled but failed to stay seated and had to dismount. Rick, however, made it to the end of the soft snow only to get shanghaied by his petal and a pile of hard snow left from a snow plow weeks earlier causing him to "snow angel." The rest of us walked out until we got to the firmer ground.
The remainder of the ride proved mostly uneventful; lots of fun zipping around on the loose but less than deep snow. At a couple of points we crossed pasts with Cathy walking Duke and Sugar. As we blew past she remarked on our nerd-like appearance. We continued out of the park to east bound Obee Road and then south to N. Texas into town for a toe warmer at Cycle Works. Then west on the South Fork to Yawber Rd to Archbold Whitehouse Rd to Jeffers Rd back into the park. The path to the route out of the park was missed by all except myself due to me drafting the others and being able to turn in time and thus I led the way out. The last major turn to the last section required a hard left threw some soft snow. I was ahead so I could turn with some ease but the rest of the guys had more difficulty due to a tighter pact. Later, Jimmie said he would send pics of his road-rash having taken a spill at that way point.
The route back to Monclova via the North Fork was as usual; a faster pace. Matt and I led most of the way until the rest of the guys pushed ahead where I was dropped (per usual) just after Weckerly Rd within 2 miles of the end of the ride.
It was a fun ride and while a little faster and wetter thanks to warmer temperatures causing road spray, I was warmer and am already looking towards the next one.
MXS: 17.5 mph.
Weather Conditions: 0911 hours. Cold and Overcast. Mostly westerly winds light around 3.5 mph starting out increasing steadily to around 13.8 mph.
Min: 27 Avg: 28 Max: 30 ºF