Wednesday, May 04, 2011

County Rd A Intervals

Father Guido Sarducci would have said this about my intervals this afternoon,
"Ah, not-ta so-a good!

 In fact "Not-ta so-a good" is now a new tag!

Actually, today's training was a sad and failed attempt. I could not reach the required sustained HR zone (156 - 160 bpm) without extreme difficulty. I did better on the 2nd interval which left me hopeful but found my effort falling with the 3rd and 4th. I believe the issue may have been fatigue, especially in my legs. The burn was not expected and I was unable to overcome that pain. The prior two days of intervals went much better.

Also, I realized that when I updated the maxHR training levels in the Garmin, I failed to also change the HR zones ranges in the Garmin causing it to overstate the zone. So a required SS at 156 to 160 bpm were reported as HR zone 4; not 3. While not a huge problem it is non the less a disappointment for this stickler of details. At any rate, this will be fixed.

On a positive note, I found a solution to the problem where once the Garmin interval training program is completed it no longer records data; press the start button to resume data acquisition.

Weather Conditions: 1615 hours. Cool and partly cloudy. WNW winds from 6.9 to 11.5 mph. Min: 56 Avg: 57 Max: 57 ºF

MXS: 20.9 mph.

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